Stop Smoking

No two smokers are the same and no two will give up in entirely the same way. Anytime a Smoker comes to me to make the change to a Non-Smoker I take the time to design a programme that takes the reality of the smoker’s life into account. I see a lot of people who’ve been to simple hypnotists to give up smoking and who need something more sopisticated to help them, so no matter where you are on the spectrum of smokers, you can be confident that a plan for you can be designed.

My stop smoking programmes are divided into three categories. If you don’t know which one is right for you, don’t worry, after a free introductory consultation we will both know which is the right approach for you – and within that programme I  design your individual solution.
All programmes include a hypnotic CD  to help you daily after your clinic sessions. By listening to this relaxing Hypnotic CD, of about 20 minutes, daily for 30+ days you allow your Unconscious Mind to do a lot of the work for you.

The High Performance Stop Smoking Programme is a power-session with a single follow-up after 2-4 weeks. The total fee is a single payment of €300.

The Hypno-Psychotherapy Stop Smoking Programme is designed for smokers who have been to a simple hypnotist and who still smoke.  Usually 4 Sessions. €150 per session.

The Advanced Stop Smoking Programme is for people who smoke, but who find that it is more than a habit. If you find that you smoke more when under stress or in particular circumstances you encounter in life then this may be for you. This method treats the underlying emotional issues involved in the smoking habit as well as the habit itself. This method is usually used where you have previously tried various stop-smoking methods without success and where the initial assessment indicates a deeper rooted issue that the smoking is a symptom of. Such things could be severe anxiety, grief, trauma or similar.
Usually 10-12 sessions. See fees section for more details.

If you have any questions about how I can assist you with any issue, please contact me and I’ll be happy to help.

Call now on

085 13 13 700

To put Hypnotherapy in context for Stopping Smoking, here are some comparative success rates:
Source for Patches –
Source for Willpower –
Source for Hypnotherapy –
University of Washington School of Medicine, Depts. of Anesthesiology and Rehabilitation Medicine, Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2001 Jul;49(3):257-66. Barber J.
Source for ‘Zyban’ Anti-depressant-

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