See the drop down menu for dates and more details.

Workshops will be held in Tullamore, Athlone, and Galway City.

Happiness and Success

We all have the ability to be happier. Many of the most successful people in the world manage both success and being happy. In most cases it’s helped along by knowing how to trigger their brain to create happiness and positive mental states at will.

Self sabotage is most often created from feelings of worry, fear, stress, and unhappiness. By changing these feelings it becomes much easier to succeed and more importantly… to enjoy life!

This full day workshop focuses on how to create positive change in your mind and how to use those changes for your own needs in life.

The workshop runs from 9:30am to 5pm, with 2 coffee breaks and an hour free for lunchtime.

Personal Development Certs are available on request for attendees.

Investment €120


Keeping Weight Off!

The biggest struggle for many people is not losing weight, but stopping yourself from putting it back on!

This full day workshop is dedicated to creating the long term change needed to succeed. Self-sabotage, getting bored, falling into old habits, comfort eating and the many other forms of piling it back on are where we work in this workshop.

Using the latest techniques from Psychology, Professional Sports, and business psychology I can show you how to spot and stop self sabotage. Life can be easier!

The workshop runs from 9:30am to 5pm, with 2 coffee breaks and an hour free for lunchtime.

Personal Development Certs are available on request for attendees.

Investment €120


Presentations, Public Speaking, & Interviews

The worry and fear that many people experience when speaking to a group or panel can be eased and even eliminated if you know how! Business Leaders and Politicians along with Professional Sports People and  TV personalities are often trained in the skills to bring about confidence and calm when speaking to allow the best performance possible.

Whether it’s the best man’s speech, father of the bride, Professional training or presentations, or sitting an interview just imagine for a moment – how will it be different when you are in control of your emotions, being calm and more relaxed as you go.

The workshop runs from 9:30am to 5pm, with 2 coffee breaks and an hour free for lunchtime.

Personal Development Certs are available on request for attendees.

Investment €120


Stress Buster

The World Health Organisation predicts that stress will be the number one killer in the world by 2020. It’s insidious as it sneaks up on us. Tiredness, a short temper, getting lots of colds and minor illnesses, the sense of pressure, poor sleep, and often tummy and digestion problems (IBS) are among the many signs of stress.

It’s actually a nearly completely avoidable condition! You can change how stress effects you and you can make life easier. With less stress you can be more efficient and productive and enjoy life far more.

This full day workshop includes both an immediate stress busting component as well as teaching you the techniques to use as and when you need in life to keep stress away and to be calm and motivated at need.

The workshop runs from 9:30am to 5pm, with 2 coffee breaks and an hour free for lunchtime.

Personal Development Certs are available on request for attendees.

Investment €120