Growth Mindset

Maximise Performance

Calm & Assertiveness

Greater Emotional Control






Positive Psychology

Available in person or remotely for distributed workforces

Too often we’re struggling with stress, feeling overwhelmed, we might be crushed by deadlines or have other pressures. As a result our focus drops which simply piles on more pressure. Positive Psychology is the study of how we optimise our performance and flourish in all areas of life.

To do this we use scientifically supported skills, we can control our emotions, build motivation and focus, increase happiness.

Having greater emotional control and knowing how to trigger our brains to deliver what we need, when we need it, empowers us to tap into our maximum potential on demand.

This training focuses on how to avoid the pitfalls that reduce our potential while at the same summoning the resources we need to excel; mental states like motivation, concentration, greater energy, humour, creativity and more can be enhanced simply and effectively.

Training Objectives

Many people simply try to push through stress, conflict, bad feeling, low motivation, and even physical signs of stress like headaches and muscle tension, but these issues usually continue. This is because as a species our initial reactions and responses to such challenges are frequently wrong for the situation we're in.

The usual reactions to stress often misleads us, such as for example taking time off, but then finding the stress is waiting for them on their return. Dealing differently with stress so is the key, not avoiding it. This is something we can become aware of and we can use proven strategies which do allow us to make better decisions that will in reality improve happiness and success.

This training gives the tools to have greater self-mastery which reduces stress, increases focus and summon motivation when required, building greater life satisfaction and success.

Proven Benefits

Using cutting edge research and data, we will provide you with the knowledge and skills to empower you to build greater success and efficiency while avoiding the pitfalls that lead to stress, overwhelm and disappointment.

These easy to use strategies can massively increase our ability to think clearly, be more creative, problem solve, enjoy work and home life more and make better choices. It can also grow Motivational Intelligence and interpersonal resourcefulness.

This study provides compelling multi-method evidence supporting the link between more frequent and deeper social interactions and well-being. Is Well-Being Associated With the Quantity and Quality of Social Interactions?, Sun et al, 2019.

Programme Leader

This training is led by John Prendergast MA, an expert in stress and wellbeing who has extensive training and experience in mental health and wellness. His delivery style is practical and make the learning easy to implement and is ideal for workplaces where tensions may already be high. (Read more about John here)

Relevant Research

This study provides compelling multi-method evidence supporting the link between more frequent and deeper social interactions and well-being. 

Is Well-Being Associated With the Quantity and Quality of Social Interactions?, Sun et al, 2019.

Happiness can make attention more flexible and allow us to suppress irrelevant information allowing us to focus on what is important more easily.

“Fear and Happiness, but Not Sadness, Motivate Attentional Flexibility: A Case for Emotion Influencing the Ability to Split Foci of Attention.” (Storbeck et al, 2018), Emotion, Vol. 19, No. 4, 655–664.

Fixed mindsets showed lower ability in problem solving. Growth mindsets showed greater ability to quickly problem solve.

“Creative Mindsets: Measurement, Correlates, Consequences.” (Karwowski, M, 2014),Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, Vol. 8, No. 1, 62–70

Achieving emotions we desire are more beneficial than simply being happy. When we feel our emotions are right for a situation we develop more happiness than by simply chasing happy emotions.

“The Secret to Happiness: Feeling Good or Feeling Right?” (Tamir et al, 2017), Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Vol. 146, No. 10, 1448–1459.

When we see and value the meaning in positive events it builds resilience to potentially stressful events. Simply experiencing the positive events without engaging with meaning did not create the same resilience.

“Differences in the Way to Conceive Happiness Relate to Different Reactions to Negative Events.” (Fuochi et al, 2018), Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education, and Applied Psychology, University of Padova, Italy

There is strong evidence that anxiety impairs processing efficiency, that anxiety impairs the inhibition function, and that anxiety impairs our ability to shift attention.

“Anxiety, Processing Efficiency, and Cognitive Performance.” (Derakshan and Eysenck, 2009), European Psychologist, Vol. 14(2):168–176

Faking positivity reduces well-being. Authenticity of positive emotion is vital.

“Turning Frowns (and Smiles) Upside Down: A Multilevel Examination of Surface Acting Positive and Negative Emotions on Well-Being.” (Lennard et al, 2019), Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 104, No. 9, 1164–1180.

The value of the outcome of a task, to the individual, is a vital component to overcoming procrastination and engaging in necessary activity.

Modeling Procrastination: Asymmetric Decisions to Act Between the Present and the Future. (Zhang & Feng, 2019). Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Advance Publication.

How we view willpower can increase out ability to persevere in tasks.

“Implicit Theories About Willpower Predict Self-Regulation and Grades in Everyday Life”. (Job et al, 2015), Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 108, No. 4, 637–647.

Positive Psychology is the scientific study of human flourishing, and an applied approach to optimal functioning. It has also been defined as the study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals, communities and organisations to thrive (Gable & Haidt, 2005, Sheldon & King, 2001).

Growing happiness and well being increase clear thinking, efficiency, success and keeps stress low. This is an easy win-win for everyone. We’d love to help your workplace thrive so contact us today for details.

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