John Prendergast MA
Therapist, Trainer, Coach
John Prendergast is an internationally recognised, award-winning Anxiety and Psychotrauma/PTSD Specialist Therapist and Coach who specialises in reducing stress, anxiety and overwhelm and in so doing helps increase productivity, wellbeing and success.
Followed in over 100 countries and speaking internationally, John helps people from all walks of life, from Army officers, Business people and Elite Sportspeople to Homemakers, Entrepreneurs and Students. He delivers training to businesses and organisations as well as holding 1-1 clinics.
John lived decades of severe anxiety and depression in his own life before he found the help he needed to overcome those challenges. Now living a happier and more successful life, John is driven to help others excel and enjoy life too. This gives him unique insights into the mind, human suffering, and how to break through and build success.
He took advantage of every opportunity to train with world leading therapists & trainers, including Dr Richard Bandler - co-founder of NLP, Paul McKenna, Dr Michael Paterson OBE – EMDR institute Psycho-Trauma trainer, Brendon Burchard, and others, in EMDR, Hypnopsychotherapy, NLP and more. Combining qualifications and experience in evidence based therapy and Complementary therapies with his coaching skills he now has well over 9,000 hours of face-to-face experience helping real people create better lives.
With this is a deep interest in Neuroscience and how the brain works, which constantly inspires him to develop systems that the layperson can use to take control in life and deliver better results for themselves. His specialist areas include: Stress and fear systems of the mind, and how these systems generate the experiences we think of as stress, overwhelm, and anxiety.
His desire to help comes from his personal experience of too many nights awake, mind racing, panic attacks, low motivation, and avoiding too much of life while still suffering anxiety. Combined with the tremendous satisfaction that comes with clients enjoying life in a way that they used not be able to, this drives John to help as many people as possible through his work, both one to one and in workshops.
John is always happy to talk to people about what can change and how life can be made better. Feel free get in contact.
His qualifications include: MA in CBT, Licensed Trainer of Neuro-linguistic Programming, EMDR Psycho-Trauma Therapist, Hypnopsychotherapist, and Counselling Hypnotherapist.
He also has training in Strategic Negotiation, Public Relations, Marketing Psychology, and Systems Development.
Feel free to contact him at 085 1313700, or e-mail info@johnprendergast.ie